Tuesday 9 April 2013

Veggie-Sprouts Salad

Veggie-Sprouts Salad

A cup of salad with whatever main course dish you have is a good thing to do if you prefer to remain trim and healthy.  It might sound difficult to some of you...coz eating raw vegetables is kind of boring right? But you could make it interesting. Adding the vegetables of your choice and seasoning them with a little pepper, salt and lime definitely makes it flavourful.
Sprouts are said to be rich in digestible energy, bio available vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and phytochemicals. And of course the importance of raw vegetables need no description. So when put together they give you a bowl full of health. J
1.       Sprouted green gram                                     1 cup
2.       Onion (chopped)                                            50g
3.       Tomato(deseeded, chopped)                         40g
4.       Carrot                                                           40g
5.       Cucumber(chopped)                                     40g
6.       Cabbage(chopped)                                       40g
7.       Pepper powder                                             1 tsp
8.       Salt                                                               to taste
9.       Lemon                                                          1 no.

1.       Mix ingredients 1-7 well.
2.       Squeeze in lemon juice and also add salt according to taste.
3.       Mix well and serve.
Note: If you do not prefer to have sprouts raw, just steam them for a minute and have. Do not overcook. You can also roll it up in a roti or bread and have as a sandwich. It tastes well either way.

Serves 2
Nutritional Information:
1 serving of the salad gives 25.3 g of protein, 1.58 g of fat, 65.4 g of carbohydrate, 376.6 Kcal of energy, 177.8 mg of calcium, 5.2 mg of iron and 106.2 mg vitamin C.


  1. ummm i guess even without green gram this will be tasty and nutritious na?

  2. Yes it would be, except for the fact that the sprouted green gram gives you bio-available protein which according to me makes the salad complete in itself! :)
